Seating benches made from Weishaupl | Kusser Graniteworks

Seating benches made from Weishaupl

Kusser Granitbank Neutraubling
Kusser Granitbaenke Neutraubling
Kusser Granitbank Neutraubling Nacht

For the redesign of the Königsbergerstraße in Neutraubling, we built eleven 3.25 m long seating benches with integrated LED lighting, parking stops and cobblestones from the granodiorite Weishaupl.


Project Details

Stadt Neutraubling, Tiefbauamt
325 x 40 x 60 cm
Guggenberger GmbH u. Regental Pflasterbau GmbH & Co. KG
landscape architect:
Andreas Kicherer I OK Landschaft
Gerald von Foris

Used natural stones

Preview Weishaeupl Granit Sandgestrahlt

Weishaupl, sandblasted

Seating benches
Trade name: Weishaupl
Petrographic name : Granodiorite
Quarry: Paradise Quarry, Paradies 8, 94538 Fuerstenstein, Germany
Coordinates: 13.323° E / 48.708° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: light grey - medium grey
Visual appearance:

finely-grained; with dark / black, medium- / coarse-grained accumulations of minerals

Any questions?

Jerry Claxton2
Jerry Claxton
Director of Sales

Jerry has been exclusively involved for over 22 years in design, manufacturing and construction throughout the world devoted to the water feature industry. Jerry joined Kusser in 2010 to provide special initiatives, designing and creating themes of aspiring wonder from the natural element of stone and water. He has a passion to create an awe and aspiring world class water display for any application and involved in all phases of the industry. Contact Jerry today to discuss your water feature desires.